The flat bones are located in the skull (occipital and frontal, nasal and frontal vomiting and lacrimal) and the chest (sternum, the ribs, and the sternum), and the pelvis(ilium pubis, ischium and ilium). Flat bones are designed to safeguard internal organs including the brain, heart and the pelvic. Flat bones may be somewhat flattened and provide protection like an armor. However, they can also offer vast areas of attachment to muscle.
The long bones are more than their width. They include the femur (the most vital bone in the human body) and the smaller bones found in the fingers. Long bones allow for greater mobility and can assist in supporting the body's weight. Long bones can be found in the appendicular and lower limbs (the hip, radius, ulna or metacarpals) and also in the bones in the upper limbs.
Irregular Bones are irregular in shape and form. They cannot be classified in another category (flat or short, long or sesamoid). They often have a complex shape that protects internal organs. For instance the vertebrae, which are irregular bones in the vertebral column, guard the Read More spinal cord. The pelvic cavity is protected due to the irregular bone structure of the pelvis (pubis-ilium and ischium).
Sesamoidbones, also known as samoidbones, tendon. These small, round bones are found within the tendon in the knees, hands, feet. These bones shield the muscles from stress and wear. Sesamoid bones comprise the patella (also called the kneecap).
Although often thought of as a static support structure The skeletal system is actually a living organ with Click here many functions, including creating our human form that allows locomotion and motor function, facilitating respiration and protecting organs vital to our health by generating marrow-derived cell lines and playing a vital part in homeostasis.
Bones are dynamic structures that change constantly and are changing to adapt to the changing surroundings. There's so much movement, in fact, that the bone structure of a young's skeleton will be completely different from theirs today after four years.